Talking Vape & Cartridge Safety

Vape Pens from Light Sky FarmsVapes have been getting a huge amount of attention lately, even to the point where black market, back alley cartridges are being used as a pretext to attack the entire cannabis industry that has functioned for years with remarkable product safety. We found this post by @lightskyfarms231 to be an excellent read on where the industry truly is around product safety:

A few Vape cart Trophies we been stacking over the years …
My response to the vape market “never have, never will..cut or add anything to a vape cart. The material makes the cut or does not #vapeporn #vapepen #vapemodel #thcvape give us a few months to build out and get through all the paper. Bringing the heat to the masses at a shop near you ???? @hightimesmagazine #hightimescannabiscup @jannabis.secretsesh #secretsesh

Here’s the @hightimesmagazine article Best THC Cartridges of 2018 by @dabhanna referenced in the image. Also be sure to check out LSF’s pics & post & definitely read the comments ???& be sure to share your favorite Michigan-made brands! We can all benefit by calling out the folks who are doing things safely & very well!